spirit rocks and sacred people

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Sometimes it’s easier it is to see the qualities in a rock than to find anything interesting in another person.  From a distance, most people are easy to admire.  And our inner circle of friends and family can be endlessly fascinating. But sitting in a stuffy office listening to a co-worker go on and on pushing a meaningless platform of opinions with no regard for what you think– that can be a challenge.  Toxic certainty is like a concrete wall with no windows or doors.  Meaningless, like a politician or an advertising campaign.


The photo below is a spirit rock that sits on the path up Gampo Lhatse, the sacred protecter mountain behind Gampo Abbey.  Maybe it’s powerful presence is partly due to it’s location– a place of silence and contemplation.  Location might be the key.  Take that loud-mouthed colleague and place him in a ‘green zone’, a space surrounded by deep listening and gentle attention and see what happens.   Location isn’t only physical– though a natural setting helps.  More important is simply locating someone’s spirit– catching him or her with the gps beacon of your tender heart, open mind, awake body.  Once a genuine connection is made, even for an instant, something shifts.  Like watching an ordinary rock manifest as a sacred tortoise.  Miracles happen.